The HTMR team had the honor to participate in the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Materials and Renewable Energies in its 6th edition that took place in Marrakesh from 27 to 30 June 2022. The topics of the EMCMRE conference encompasses several branches of physics, chemistry, biology and computer science relevant to renewable energies. The targeted audience includes professors, researchers and engineers from universities, engineering schools and research institutes. HTMR team had great performance in the event both in oral and poster presentations.

  • Invited talk: Prof. Hicham Benyoucef, “Green Hydrogen: building a new economic ecosystem in Morocco”.
  • Oral presentations:
    – Ms. Majdouline Maher, “Improved abrasion and corrosion resistance of newly developed stainless steels based on HCx”.
    – Dr. Hamid Ait Said, “Formulation, mechanical and in vitro antibiotic release properties of in situ precipitated hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite”.
    – Dr. Hasna Aziam, “Exploring Fe substitution effect on the electrochemical performance of Li3V2(PO4)3 Nasicon-type structure as cathode for Lithium-ion batteries”.
  • Poster: Mr. Souhaib Abouricha, “Development of novel solid-state electrolytes for batteries: toward safe and sustainable energy storage”.

Majdouline Maher (PhD student) was one of the winners for the best oral presentation prize.