Our vision and mission

Our vision

HTMR, the unique high throughput multidisciplinary research laboratory in Morocco that aims to promote utilization of automated and parallelization approaches for applying high-throughput and combinatorial experimental methodologies to accelerate the development of new materials and processes.

The HTMR laboratory allows scientists to consolidate their research and proof-of-concept based on fully automated tools allowing the synthesis and screening of large numbers of compounds through workflows design, as well as the optimization of reaction/process conditions much more rapidly than the conventional approaches.

HTMR is a capability that supports the UM6P ecosystem and Moroccan industry to accelerate the research and development reducing the time and cost involved in the materials/process development and optimization in key applications.

Our mission

The HTMR-Lab aims for an interdisciplinary, diverse and cross-cutting approach to advance research and development in key applications, impacting the entrepreneurial ecosystem directly related to its industrial and socio-economic environment. The HTMR provides a spectrum of capabilities and automated equipment to:

  • Develop novel materials, concepts and approaches
  • Perform applied and industry-oriented research
  • Automate laboratory processes and anticipate pre-pilot results…
  • Optimize the experimental conditions of the trials across the value chain
  • Control the quality of products (e.g., precursors, additives, reagents)
  • Save test time, increase reproducibility and reliability of results and reduce costs
  • Facilitate the interaction between different programs through the workflow design
  • Generate digitalized and executable data
  • Join world-leading centers for accelerated materials discovery and innovation
