
Image of the equipment/materialDesignation ; Function ; Uses
Precision cutting machine 
It allows very precise cutting of all kinds of materials.
LaboPol with LaboForce head and LaboDoser for 4 bottles.
Grinding/polishing machine. Grinding materials in both dry and wet conditions. SiC and paper from P80 to P4000 grain size. Polishing machine with automatic or manual features. Diamond monocrystalline suspension of 1, 3, 6 and 9 µm.
 Citopress 30
Hot mounting press. Mounting of samples with different resins (conductive or non-conductive) for metallographic preparation. Two sample sizes: 25 and 30 mm diameter. Automatic dosing for more efficient process.

UV spectrophotometer
A UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures the amount of light that passes through a sample by comparing it to a reference sample.

A laboratory equipment utilized to gently and efficiently evaporate solvents from samples.

Ball mill
A laboratory equipment utilized to grind and blend bulk material into QDs/nanosize using different sized balls.

IKA T 25 easy clean control
Enabling high performance dispersion device with speed regulation 3000 – 25000 rpm and a working volume of 1 – 2000 ml (water).

SP200 Potentiostat
Performing essential techniques in the field of metallurgy and corrosion, namely, cyclic polarization, Tafel, linear polarization ZRA, Galvanic corrosion, Ecorrosion in f (t), multi pitting.

Battery cycler
MPG-200 series battery testing system’s high-end specification has been designed to address the most demanding battery testing needs possible.
 HT 29/18 Muffle furnace
To heat materials at high temperatures (up to 1800 °C) for melting, sintering and heat treatments.  
 Ultrasonic cleaner
Cleaning of lab glassware such as pipettes, bakers, flasks – Simultaneous disinfection and cleaning of equipment – Degassing of samples and solvents – Extraction of soil samples for the determination of hydrocarbons
Stirrer (magnetic and mechanical)
To homogenise and heat multiple solutions or mixtures by setting the stirring speed, time, and temperature.

Precision balance
Weighing big masses (0.5 g – 6100 g) with good precision of 0.01 g.
Analytical balance
Measuring small mass (max = 250 g) with high precision in a reading range of 0.1 mg – 0.01 mg.
Vacuum pumps
A vacuum pump is a device that evacuates gas from a sealed volume which results in creating partial vacuum.      

Büchi® glass oven for drying, B-585
To distill, sublimate, freeze-dry or dry small samples.

Magnetic stirrer
To homogenise and heat solutions or mixtures

UV Lamp
Used for fluorescence of colored gels, sterilization, exposure and lighting of materials (or workspaces) with UV light in the laboratory and in many other professional industrial, agricultural and clinical environments.

Thermostatic Baths
Heating circulating baths offer accurate temperate control for straight forward applications in the range of 0°C to 100°C.
pH meter
Measuring the acidity/alkalinity of a solution, called pH, ranging from 1 to 14
Lab oven
Lab oven is a heating device which operates most often at atmospheric pressure enabling heating, drying samples or lab glassware. The temperature (10 to 300 °C) and time can be controlled.
